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Re: THE Creatine - opis izdelka     Objavljeno 28.10.2012 ob 20:35
A je normalno da je kreatin (THE Creatine) podobne teksture kot whey? Mislim tako da se prašek med sabo 'lepi' v grudice (še v kanti)?
Sprašujem zato ker sem pred časom imel kreatin neke druge znamke, pa je bil drugačen, podobno kot fino zmlet pesek, v glavnem ni se prašek zbijal skupaj če me razumete.
Je pa zadeva nova, kupljena v petek.
Re: THE Creatine - opis izdelka     Objavljeno 29.10.2012 ob 00:58
To je normalno.

Tukaj se ne čuti toliko tega peskastega občutka, ali pač ?
Osebno trenerstvo, skupinski treningi na BP team
Re: THE Creatine - opis izdelka     Objavljeno 29.10.2012 ob 08:14
creatin je hidrostatičen in veže vodo, zato mora biti čim manj izpostavljen vlagi, kajti potem se lahko pretvori v kreatinin, ki pa ni zdrav
Re: THE Creatine - opis izdelka     Objavljeno 29.10.2012 ob 08:36
Se ne čuti tako je drugače pa imam kreatin vedno dobro zaprt in na hladnem v temnem prostoru, tko da vlaga pri meni ni mogla prit zraven.
Re: THE Creatine - opis izdelka     Objavljeno 29.10.2012 ob 11:10
gapi je napisal/a:

creatin je hidrostatičen in veže vodo, zato mora biti čim manj izpostavljen vlagi, kajti potem se lahko pretvori v kreatinin, ki pa ni zdrav

V telesu, ki vsebuje 90 % vode, pa se ne spremeni v kreatinin, ki ni zdrav, ali kako?
Re: THE Creatine - opis izdelka     Objavljeno 29.10.2012 ob 11:57

GG25 je napisal/a:

creatin je hidrostatičen in veže vodo, zato mora biti čim manj izpostavljen vlagi, kajti potem se lahko pretvori v kreatinin, ki pa ni zdrav

V telesu, ki vsebuje 90 % vode, pa se ne spremeni v kreatinin, ki ni zdrav, ali kako?

ne, se prej absorbira
Re: THE Creatine - opis izdelka     Objavljeno 29.10.2012 ob 12:33
Absorbira pa se kam? Absorbira se v medij (telo), ki je sestavljen iz 90 % vode. Ne poznam metabolne poti kreatina. Samo sprašujem kaj se z njim dogaja v telesu. Da niti pikčica od pikice kreatina v telesu ne bi postala kreatinin pa je tudi precej malo verjetno, da ne rečemo celo absurdno nemogoče.
Re: THE Creatine - opis izdelka     Objavljeno 30.10.2012 ob 07:46
Re: THE Creatine - opis izdelka     Objavljeno 30.10.2012 ob 07:47
Downsides of Creatine:

The main problem with all existing creatine supplementation is the ability to successfully deliver a concentrated amount of creatine to the system.

Research proves prior creatine arts actually convert to creatinine once ingested - a poison and toxic by product. Over the years there have been a number of advertisements for the purity of creatine. Numerous companies have claimed their creatine product to contains less creatinine than the next. However, all of these claims were only partially factual - each creatine supplement might contain less creatinine while in a dry form, but once ingested or mixed with fluids, it again converts into creatinine.

Over the years, athletes had to load creatine and maintain a high level intake in order to notice its effects. Along with this consumption also came all the complaints and side effects creatine has increasingly become noticed for. Listed below are a few of the more common health issues :

- Headaches
- Stomach cramps
- Dehydration
- Indemia
- Bloating
- Cotton Mouth
- Excess water retention
- Lack of energy
- Liver problems
- Kidney problems
- Creatinine poisoning
- Impaired renal function

What are these side effects caused from?

They are caused by the body?s defense to a toxic compound called creatinine. Creatinine is synthesized in the liver, pancreas and kidneys. The body?s internal defense mechanism to save itself from this ingested poison is to try and dilute the toxin with water. Creatinine is very toxic and can become extremely dangerous.
Re: THE Creatine - opis izdelka     Objavljeno 30.10.2012 ob 07:48
Creatine does not turn into creatinine once its absorbed by the body, however it can turn into creatinine if it stays in a liquid for long enough. And most of those downsides like cramps, headaches, etc. come from not taking in enough water while using creatine. I recommended that you take in at LEAST 1 gallon of water per day while on creatine. Also, loading is not necessary at all, but creatinine is a useless toxic compound but taking creatine wont really trigger large amounts of creatinine in your body anyway. Check out This Creatine FAQ Thread for more info!
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