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Why kettlebells?     Objavljeno 06.09.2006 ob 10:38
1) Do 10x10 double KB swings and tell me you have ever had a more wicked workouit for the posterior chain. (WPO PL Champ Donnie Thompson and westsiders can confirm this) Try doing it with some DBs (espeically heavy ones) It just does not work.

2) I like to take a wide stance, clean a pair of 88s to the rack and press them. Great ham and full body work. HUGE range of motion on the press. Try this with dumbells. Wont happen. If you happen to have world class strength in a cheat hammer curl, you might get them to the rack (without the benfit of the ham work you would have got from pushing the KBs behind you) but the range of motion on the press is MUCH shorter.

3) I was pretty good at snatching a dumbell, but again I never got the posterior chain like I do with a KB. And the down stroke of a dumbell snatch is a MESS with a heavy dumbell...your almost better off dropping the thing...trying to snatch heavy dumbells for reps damaged my shoulders.

4) KB is dynamic and alive and dealing with the whipping and absorbing the "shock" with the core and crushing grip is a huge benefit

5) KBs are "stackable" for pressing and swinging and amazing grip work with the two handles pressed together. Put to 53's together and you have a beast for swinging and pressing with the extra grip challenge (my wrist control is top notch from these) Bottom up pressing. More great stuff you cant do with dumbells.

6) Thread a peice of thick rope through your KB handles and you have a whole new set of options for arm and torso work and you wont spend a long time trying to rig something that can easily fail you.

I could go on for a while.

gregor has asked me to copy/paste my post from DD here, that is why it is in english.

gregor; I hope this will help

best from south africa

Re: Why kettlebells?     Objavljeno 06.09.2006 ob 10:49
Thank You shawn!

Tukaj je res samo nekaj stvari zakaj trenirati s kettlebelli.  Pa builderji, prosim brez kometarjev
Slovenian Kettlebell Club Head Coach
Re: Why kettlebells?     Objavljeno 06.09.2006 ob 12:20
It is nice to have another foreign member...especially from as far, as South Africa. Thank you for your contribution, Shawn.

Bilderja sta pa na tem forumu trenutno itak samo 2 

“Winning isn't everything--but wanting to win is.” V. Lombardi
Re: Why kettlebells?     Objavljeno 06.09.2006 ob 12:33
Natan Hojč je napisal/a:

It is nice to have another foreign member...especially from as far, as South Africa. Thank you for your contribution, Shawn.

Bilderja sta pa na tem forumu trenutno itak samo 2 

jaz in ...hmmmmmmm.... kdo pa je drugi 
Re: Why kettlebells?     Objavljeno 06.09.2006 ob 13:21
Well, I do not understand much Slovenian. Gregor said that it would be nice to share my opinion about kettlebells. Of course kettlebells are not very helpful if you do not know how to use them, but gregor is one of the finnest RKCs and he surely knows how to play with them. I will not be posting much here, but gregor said this is probably the best forum in your country.

keep on the good work

best, shawn
Re: Why kettlebells?     Objavljeno 12.09.2006 ob 23:58
Zanimiv post. Ti ketlbeli pomagajo tud pr eksplozivnosti?
Re: Why kettlebells?     Objavljeno 13.09.2006 ob 08:36
Pomagajo, ce jih uporabljamo v ta namen. Ce delamo eksplozivne vaje s tezkimi kettlebelli potem sigurno pomagajo pri eksplozivnosti. Tako kot tudi Olimpijske stange, ce delamo olimpijske dvige, razlika pa je, da lahko s kettlebelli naredimo vecje stevilo ponovitev in da je obseg gibanja nekoliko vecji. Kar pomeni manjsa absolutna eksplozivnost, vecja moznost repetativne vzdrzljivosti, kot naprimer zabji poskoki proti globinskim skosom
Slovenian Kettlebell Club Head Coach
Re: Why kettlebells?     Objavljeno 14.09.2006 ob 21:01
Se pravi, kaj je sploh prvoten namen treninga s ketlbeli v primerjavi s kvihti?
Re: Why kettlebells?     Objavljeno 15.09.2006 ob 07:19
spet podobno vprasanje. Kaj je namen teka? hitrost ali vzdrzljivost? ravno tako si moramo zadati cilj ko se odpravimo v fitnes. BB, powerlifting, weightliftng, cardio... s kettlebelli je isto, postavis si cilj in delas. Rezultati bojo za BB slabsi kot ce uporabljamo vse naprave v fitnes centrih, ampak za sportne discipline bodo pa rezultati bolsji.
Slovenian Kettlebell Club Head Coach
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