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Dodatki za hujšanje     Objavljeno 29.08.2018 ob 11:23
zanima me katere dodatke svetujete za čimprejšno izgubo maščobe? ( omega 3, shredexx, x3m terminator...? )
Kašen trening priporočate? ( glede prehrane sem pa že kar porihtal stvari ).

Re: Dodatki za hujšanje     Objavljeno 07.09.2018 ob 11:55

za izgubo maščobe je prvi pogoj sprememba prehrane + trening, ker drugače noben dodatek ne bo čudežno pripomogel k rezultatu... Glede na to, da si tole že porihtal bi kar se dodatkov tiče priporočal naslednje:
THE Amino Whey kot beljakovinski dodatek
X3M Shredxx kot fatburner
X3M BCAA kot napitek med treningom a ohranjanje mišične mase oksidacijo maščob in regeneracijo
THE Omega 3 ali X3M omega 3
Trener fitnesa FZS, osebni trener | | spremeni svoj življenjski stil | osebno trenerstvo
Re: Dodatki za hujšanje     Objavljeno 15.04.2024 ob 06:30
There are a number of foods that can aid weight loss when combined with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Here are some popular weight-loss foods:

Green vegetables: Mustard greens, cabbage, kale, celery, sprouts, and other leafy vegetables are often low in calories and high in fiber, helping you feel full longer.

Fruits: Fruits like apples, pears, strawberries, watermelon, pomegranates, and oranges are high in antioxidants and fiber, slice master which help reduce hunger and provide energy.

Types of protein: Protein sources such as chicken, fish, soybeans, green beans, eggs, nonfat milk and nonfat dairy products help provide energy and maintain muscle when losing weight.

Nuts and seeds: Walnuts, barley seeds, chia seeds, almonds and almonds provide nutrients and fiber, which help reduce hunger.

Beans and barley: Beans, peanuts, barley and barley products such as whole grain bread contain fiber and protein, helping to maintain a feeling of fullness longer.

Water: Drinking enough wate,r every day not only helps maintain health but also helps feel full and reduces unnecessary calorie consumption.

Remember, an effective weight loss diet doesn't just rely on ,eating these foods, it also needs to be combined with regular exercise and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. At the same time, you should consult a nutritionist or doctor before changing your diet.
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